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Becoming Yourself Counselling

Are You Feeling Stuck, Disconnected, or Overwhelmed?

Are you Neurodivergent, or do you think you might be?

Feeling a bit out of sync with the life you dream of? Maybe you’re discovering later on that you’re neurodivergent and trying to make sense of it all, or you’re dealing with things like masking, social anxiety, or the fear of being rejected. It could be that you’re finding it tough to juggle complex thoughts and emotions, or you feel like you’re just going through the motions without any real purpose.

Neuro-affirming therapy is here to offer you a cozy, welcoming space where you can uncover these hidden parts of yourself, feel truly seen and heard, and start making meaningful changes in your life.

If any of this strikes a chord with you—whether you’re having a hard time with self-acceptance, feeling stuck, or just don’t know how to move forward—therapy can be your first step toward reclaiming your true self and living a life that feels genuine. I’m here to support you through the unique challenges you face and help you build better self-understanding, resilience, acceptance, and self-compassion.

Michael Looking Out in Distance

Welcome to Becoming Yourself Counselling,

A place to be seen and heard!

I specialize in working with neurodivergent individuals, including those with Level 1 Autism and ADHD and those who are self-diagnosed, late diagnosed, recently diagnosed, gifted, or high achievers. Many of my clients come to therapy feeling disconnected from their true selves or struggling to meet the expectations placed upon them by others or themselves. They often experience feelings of isolation, anxiety, and self-doubt while grappling with challenges like imposter syndrome, relational trauma, or difficulties in communication and interpersonal dynamics.

Neurodivergent individuals face unique barriers—chronic invalidation, sensory overload, and struggles with social environments—that can leave them feeling misunderstood and overwhelmed. Many of my clients seek help managing anxiety, setting boundaries, improving relationships, and developing coping strategies for stress and uncertainty. For some, challenges around substance use or self-sabotage further complicate their path to well-being.

I help clients explore the impact of their neurodivergence on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, guiding them toward greater self-understanding, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. Together, we work on strategies for personal growth, gaining new perspectives, developing insight, and building healthier relationships with themselves and others.

Whether you’re struggling with low self-esteem, workplace dynamics, or the complexities of living with neurodivergence, therapy can provide a space to heal, grow, and move from surviving to thriving. I offer a supportive, non-judgmental environment where you can explore your challenges and develop the skills with the potential to help clients navigate life with greater confidence and well-being.

Who I Work With

Are you curious if therapy could help you? 

Take a moment to explore the client profiles below– you might see yourself in the anecdotes shared. 

*The following profiles are fictional anecdotes

The Late Realization of Neurodivergence

After years of feeling different without knowing why, I’ve come to a late realization—I’m neurodivergent. This understanding, whether from formal diagnosis or self-awareness, explains my lifelong sense of not fitting in. Instead of relief, I’m overwhelmed by emotions—resentment over missed opportunities, confusion about my identity, and grief for the years spent without answers.

Therapy offers a space to explore these feelings, make sense of my emotions, and integrate this new understanding into my identity. Together with my therapist, I work on self-advocacy, develop strategies for authentic living, and move toward self-acceptance, transforming confusion and grief into resilience and a renewed sense of self.

The Self Medicator

I’ve relied on substances to numb social anxiety, feelings of isolation, and overwhelming emotions. Hiding behind a false self has helped me navigate life but left me increasingly disconnected from who I truly am. What began as a way to fit in and escape fears has become a crutch, leading to strained relationships, missed opportunities, and deep regret for the life I’m not living. Trapped in a cycle of negative self-concepts, I’m constantly worried and afraid to face my emotions without substances.

Therapy offers a lifeline—a space to confront the underlying pain, unravel the false self, and learn healthier ways to manage anxiety. Through therapy, I can reconnect with my true self, challenge negative beliefs, and move toward a life of authenticity, healing, and genuine connection.


The High Achiever Paradox

At work, I excel—I’m successful, respected, and confident in my abilities. Colleagues admire my drive, and I’ve built a strong reputation. But at home, it’s a different story. Relationships feel distant, and the responsibilities of personal life—managing a household, maintaining friendships, nurturing a partnership—are overwhelming. Despite my professional success, I struggle to apply the same skills to my personal life, leaving me confused and frustrated. I start to question my self-worth, feeling like an imposter as the gap between my work persona and personal relationships widens.

Therapy becomes a space to explore these contradictions, understand why personal fulfillment feels elusive despite professional success, and work toward balancing my external achievements with my internal well-being.

The Unfulfilled Seeker

I dream of a life filled with purpose and meaning, but I feel lost and disconnected from that vision. Trapped in repetitive, unfulfilling routines, I feel empty and frustrated, with each day feeling like a missed opportunity. The gap between who I am and who I want to be feels overwhelming. Despite wanting real change, I’m paralyzed by doubts and fears, unsure if I’ll ever figure out how to live a fulfilling life. The distance between my current reality and my vision for a better future feels vast and intimidating, leaving me uncertain about where to start.

Therapy becomes a space to explore these emotions, unpack the fears holding me back, and find guidance to chart a path toward meaningful change. I seek therapy to gain direction, bridge the gap, and finally begin the journey toward a life that feels fulfilling and aligned with my deeper sense of purpose.

The Lost Chameleon

I’ve spent years blending in, constantly shifting my identity to meet others’ expectations, always adapting but never truly feeling seen. My life feels like a performance, wearing masks to navigate relationships and social situations. While this chameleon-like ability has helped me survive, it has left me disconnected from who I really am. Recently, I’ve realized this constant shape-shifting isn’t sustainable, and I long to understand who I truly am beneath the layers I’ve built. At work, I’m high-achieving and confident, but in my personal relationships, I struggle with authenticity, often feeling like an outsider, even among friends.

Therapy feels like the one place where I can finally peel back the masks, explore the complexities of my identity, and reconnect with the self I’ve long suppressed. It’s a journey toward discovering my true voice and building more meaningful, honest connections with the world around me

The Connection and Communication Struggle

I care deeply about connecting with others, but no matter how much I try, I feel like I’m always missing the mark. Conversations often spiral into misunderstandings, leaving both sides feeling unheard and frustrated. It’s not that I don’t want to connect—I truly do—but something crucial seems to get lost along the way. I find myself pulling back, unsure of how to close the emotional gap that seems to grow with each interaction.

I often feel invested in building relationships, but I struggle to communicate effectively or understand the needs of those around me. Despite my efforts, I find myself wrestling with feelings of loneliness and disconnection, unsure of how to bridge the divide between myself and others.

Therapy seems like a necessary step—a space where I can work through the confusion, learn how to express myself better, and develop deeper, more fulfilling connections with the people in my life. It feels like a chance to reconnect with others in a way that finally feels authentic and meaningful.

If you find yourself relating to any of these stories and are thinking about seeing a therapist, I'd can learn more about my approach by clicking the link below:

‘The Privilege of Lifetime is to Become who you Truly Are'

Carl Jung

Becoming Yourself Counselling - Neurodivergent Therapist Toronto | ADHD, Autism, Apergers, Self-Discovery